
Alien Species


Desertcat is just a placeholder name

Species Basic Info

Name Desertcats (placeholder name)
Nickname Desertrats (degratory)
Type Sapient
Average height 160~ cm
Lifespan unknown years
Diet Omnivore
Native planet Unknown
Habitat deserts, savanah
Subtypes 1
Creation date 2021


Physical Traits

They have retractable claws on all four fingers and toes. They have exceptionally strong limbs, especially their legs, and can run swiftly over great distances. Their huge ears can take up sounds from kilometers away, and their hearing is so good that they can navigate their surroundings even when their eyes are closed. Their body is covers in fur exept for their legs. The color of their eyes and innards are always the same.

The color shown here is the common body markings that they tend to have.

Internal Biology

Yvig have green blood, the color is due to a special algae that they eat, the species has somehow been able to evolve a symbiotic relationship in which they are able to engage in photosynthesis.

Life cycle


Diet and nutrition

Theyare omnivores but their diet has a lot of meat based meals.


Ears can be any lenght, they can also be folded or droopy.


Some can have longer fur, those who do usualy llive in colder climates.

Enviroment and Habitat



Climate and geography


Culture and scociety

Scocial structure

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Language ans communication

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Values and beliefs

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Technology and Artifacts

Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

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History and Origins

Creation Myth


Key Events

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Interactions with Other Species

Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Technology Level

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Art and Aesthetics

Fashion and Adornments

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Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

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Conflict Resolution

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Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

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Species history
